Employment (11)
Financial Services (36)
Health and Wellness (55)
Housing (18)
Legal (5)
Mental Health (18)
Substance Abuse (12)
One Fair Wage is providing cash assistance to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers and more. PayPal account requested and OFW instructs applicants to apply ONLY ONCE to prevent delays in processing.
P.S. I LOVE YOU Ministries is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to demonstrating God's heart by helping meet the physical needs of foster children, from head to toe.
Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) is a national 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which provides case management services and financial aid to Americans with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses.
Piedmont Community Actions is a private non-profit agency serving Spartanburg and Cherokee counties in the Upstate of South Carolina. Their mission is to provide a nurturing environment where low-income families can seek assistance to reduce their dependency on government aid. PCA strives to offer low-income families a 'hands up' toward self-sufficiency, rather than a 'hand out.'
Psychology Today is a search engine designed to help individuals find psychiatrists and therapists near them. Users can start by selecting their city or zip code and clicking enter. Once the results appear, they can filter by 'Price' and select 'Sliding Scale' to refine the results to therapists or psychiatrists who offer services on a sliding scale. Additionally, providers often specify if they have a waitlist for new clients.
RedRover staff and volunteers provide temporary emergency sheltering, resources, financial assistance and emotional support when animals and people are in crisis.
The Restaurant Workers Community Foundation provides financial relief to individual restaurant workers, as well as zero-interest loans to help restaurants get back up and running. Directions to apply are available on their website, where applicants can submit their applications through their financial assistance partner, who is processing the applications.
Salvation Army is a faith-based, nationwide organization that provides various financial and social services to families in need. Assistance includes food pantries, disaster relief, and more.
SC Department of Mental Health offers locating services for care and county health resources. If someone is experiencing a mental health crisis, they can contact DMH's Mobile Crisis Team, available statewide, toll-free, 24/7.
Spartanburg Area Mental Health Center provides outpatient mental health assessment, counseling, crisis intervention, psychiatric treatment/therapy.